Self Improvement

June 7, 2022
Use a Mastermind to Level Up as a Gent

While Napoleon Hill is credited with inventing the term “mastermind” to denote a group of peers who met regularly to give each other advice and support, he got the term…

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February 6, 2022
Where America Is Moving

Once remote work became a new accepted reality in early 2020, Americans have been on the move.  Free of the obligation to live in a certain place to pursue their…

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December 26, 2021
What 2021 Taught Us About What Really Mattered

Here on The Gents Blog we have a pretty consistent theme at the end of each year.  Reflect and level up.  Whether that’s doing an annual review which could lead…

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November 9, 2021
Planning for when SHTF

This is another guest post from David Ford, who last wrote for us on beard maintenance basics. Seems like anywhere you go online, there is a high chance you will…

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April 13, 2021
Building a Better Productivity Mindset

In previous articles we’ve shared apps and techniques to help you be more productive.  But without the right mindset guiding the use of those tools and techniques, you’re not likely…

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November 17, 2020
Giving Thanks In a Challenging Year

Thanksgiving is one of the most popular days of the year.  In the past we’ve talked about its true history, suggested ways a Gent conducts himself on it, argued for…

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July 29, 2020
Resiliency in Uncertainty

We are past the midpoint of this most challenging of years and in some ways, there’s no more certainty now than there was some months ago.  Business and personal plans…

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December 4, 2019
Personal Annual Review

The term “annual review” doesn’t usually cause a feeling of excitement for anyone who comes across it. Yes, there might be a pay raise of some sort involved with such…

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