
September 27, 2017
Your Best Weapon Against Sickness: Sleep

It’s a change between Summer and Fall, which means sometimes our friends, family, and colleagues can get sick.  Part of this is due to the change in temperature, part of…

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August 16, 2016
Apps for the Gent

In a recent post about the Iphone 7 we alluded to the fact that “A gent regards his smartphone the way he might any useful tool: it should be reliable, simple (and…

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September 10, 2015
The sugar in your wine

There’s been a lot of buzz lately about how sugar is bad for you and is present in a lot of the foods you eat on a daily basis, including…

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May 20, 2014
From Health to Confidence: The ‘Superhero’ Benefits of Massage

If you’ve ever indulged in a ninety-minute massage from a seasoned professional, you know what it’s like to walk out feeling like a superhero—but do you know why? Sure, there…

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June 24, 2013
Better Looking Feet at the Beach & in the Bedroom

Men…you may be under the impression that foot repair services are just not manly enough for you.  Perhaps you’ve never really heard the benefits.  As you know The Gents Place…

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May 23, 2013
Run, Forrest, Run!

Ah, the call of the marathon! If you’ve been enticed into running your first marathon, you’ve got a long road ahead of you. Training for a marathon takes a lot of…

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November 26, 2012
Five Benefits of Yoga for Men

For many years yoga has been viewed as a “women only” workout, however times are changing. While you may be hesitant to enter your first yoga class, yoga comes with…

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